Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Candidates, We Wanna Know....

The Top 17 Pointless Presidential Debate Questions

"Senator Clinton, if you are elected president, do we have to worry about you receiving a blowjob in the oval office?"

"Senator McCain, you're old enough to be Senator Obama's father. Are you?"

"Senator Obama, if elected, do you promise to bring sexy back?"

"Mr. Nader, what have we told you about not taking your pills for those delusions of grandeur?"

"Your well-documented military experience in Viet Nam is all well and good, Senator McCain, but were *you* ever shot at in Bosnia?"

"Senator Clinton, boxers or briefs?"

"Senator Obama, if your name could rhyme with that of any international terrorist, whose would it be and why?"

"Senator Clinton, considering the recent strain on relationships between the US and our European allies over the Middle Eastern conflict and the dollar's free fall against the Euro: French President Sarkozy -- dreamboat

"Senator McCain, maybe your first-hand knowledge could settle this important question once and for all: In your experience, did dinosaurs at anytime coexist with mammals?"

"Senator Obama, please finish the following sentence: 'My grandmother is so white...'"

"Senator McCain, if the bases are loaded with Obama on third, would you bean Clinton anyway?"

"Senator Clinton, If I lob softballs, would you consider me for Ambassador of the Sexy?"

"Senator Obama, how would *you* accessorize Senator Clinton's pantsuit? Remember, she's a Spring."

"Congressman Paul, how is your wife doing with that fish-sticks business of hers?"

"Let's say you win the presidency, Senator Clinton, and decide to redecorate the Lincoln Bedroom. Does the carpet match the drapes? (heh heh)"

"Senator McCain, wouldn't your inability to raise your arms over your head compromise your presidential responsibilities when it comes to photo-ops at the YMCA?"

and the Number 1 Pointless Presidential Debate Question...

"Senator Obama, where were you on the night Nicole Brown Simpson was murdered?"

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