Monday, March 10, 2008

What I Think Right Now

First, I'd like a little more coffee or to be able to go to bed for another couple of hours.

Obama just doesn't have the... drive to win the nomination. And if he does win it, he doesn't have the drive to fight McCain and the wingnut/Big Media BS machine which is to say the drive to win. Obama will be a rerun of Kerry or Dukasis, which is to say a loser (still there could be a Dem congressional blowout if people vote against the Dem presidential nominee).

On the other hand, Hil has a huge dislike among the Dems but, at the end of the day, media themes notwithstanding, she's perceived as more likely having what it takes to win. And she knows how to do it even if she's not running things in the most appropriate way yet. And I'm sure there's a good deal of good feeling for the Slick Willy era, and will be moreso as the economy tanks.

My 2¢.

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