Sunday, March 09, 2008

Big Journo Action

Some retard editor at the Washington Post feels it necessary or just proper to run a piece by a woman bemoaning how dumb women can act.

Query, then, what kind of piece has the asshole run bemoaning the gross, world-shattering stupidity of the white men who are our leaders? I mean, anyone can act dumb notwithstanding race, creed, religion, orientation, etc. But how about a little perspective, a little balance? We've had eight years of an administration that has been so stupid or whatever that it has virtually no positive accomplishments to show -- just a gross excess of incompetency on all levels. So where has the Wapo run that piece? I mean, there should be a front page story explaining why this administration has been a disaster and how the McCain administration will do no better (actually for the same reason: he's the same kind of stupid, ballless idiot as Beloved Leader: more of the same is ensured under the Saint).

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