Thursday, September 13, 2007

Imbecilic Quote Out of History

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
- Ronald Reagan
Of course, to ensure that this is always true, the government must be managed in a way so as to ensure that those words would come true where ordinarily they would not.

So let's see what I mean.

December 2000: The highest court in our land issues a decision that is admittedly not legally supported to essentially negate an election and, excuse the expression, the will of people. (And see who was Our Beloved Leader's advocate for the rule of fiat -- guy would make a great, non-political attorney general, a suitable and appropriate replacement for Gonzalez.) This disregard for both the vote and the law of the land is based solely on a partisan principle e.g. putting our guy into office, given the opportunity is more important than, oh, rule of law.

Speaking of Ronnie Raygun, if he wasn't a vegetable in December 2000, would have criticized the Supremos' decision? No he would not have because party loyalty was the most important thing to him.

March 2003 to date: Our destabilization and inept occupation of Iraq after ten years plus of rightwing fueled essentially non-military destabilization.

August 2005: The Katrina debacle.

Not a single instance above of intrinsic government screw-ups of the type that would make Ronnie's glib remark true.

Rather, they were all deliberate choices by a morally corrupt rightwing leadership, the political children of Reagan. (And while we're remembering Ronnie, let's also give thanks to his viper, Lee Atwater, for giving us Karl Rove, who has done so much good of our nation.)

Way to go, Ronnie!