Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Failing Grade for My Daughter's Sixth Grade Social Studies Teacher

Or: How the Schools are Failing Us and Our Children this Week

9/11: a historical event that sixth graders should actually have some awareness of. (Not to mention being at war in Iraq and Afghanistan for all their conscious lifetimes. And where, Our Leaders having there way, some of them may actually get the opportunity to serve.) (I should point out that the district, which is to essentially the class, runs the gamut of so-called trailer park trash to millionaires -- or, for that matter, millionaire trash.)

And what's the assignment for these children of the Bush Misadministration? (Hey! Another new term I came up with!)

Draw and color in a picture of the American flag.

Given the opportunity to make the kids think and raise their level of intellectual operating by having them do something a little more appropriate like write a few hundred words on 9/11 and what it means or what American (alleged :) ) freedom means, this genius passes up the opportunity and...

-- has them do a second-grade art assignment.

It's not me; there is something wrong with this picture....

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