Monday, February 19, 2007

Our Next Leader Promises this is the Last Surge --

-- til the next one?

From the AP via the WSJ:
Presidential contender John McCain said Saturday there aren't any good options if the buildup of U.S. troops doesn't stabilize Iraq.

The Arizona senator said during a campaign stop in Iowa that he would be hard pressed to find an option that the public would support if the troop increase fails. "I don't know what the other options are because if we fail here I think it's going to be very difficult to maintain the support of the American people," he said. "And when the American people don't support a war ... then we aren't able to maintain a foreign endeavor."

Mr. McCain, a Republican, supports President Bush's strategy to add 21,500 troops in Iraq to try to end the violence. Polls show widespread opposition to the escalation of military efforts in Iraq, but a majority oppose cutting off funds for the troops.

Mr. McCain attended events in Iowa while the Senate voted on an attempt to rebuke Bush over his military strategy. Republicans foiled the measure by a vote of 56-34, four short of the 60 needed to advance it.


Mr. McCain said nonbinding resolutions on Iraq in the House and Senate are "insulting to the public and the soldiers" and that the U.S. would only defeat extremism with perseverance.

(Ed. note: WTF does that mean? It's insensible, even for a pol. "Perseverance" isn't needed. A plan is needed. Perseverance is not a plan....)


He reiterated that he is running as a "pro-life conservative" and was introduced by a slew of prominent conservative backers, including former Texas Sen. Phil Gramm, and Maxine Sieleman, the Iowa-based founder of the Concerned Women for America.
America-hating scumbags all....

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