Saturday, December 15, 2007

Essential Reads

How we keep insisting on and succeeding at losing the war against drug abuse and prevent reduction in violent crime as well. (Hint: no matter what party's in the White House, the wingnuts deliberate ignorance and bleatings ensure that nothing proper or likely to succeed can be tried because, you know, it goes against their beliefs because, you know, the successful policies are, like, fact-based.)

How Our Leaders are ensuring that the reputation of modern America gets so negative and debased that it will ensure global instability and our impotence in regard to national security matters. (Related article here.) Of course, this is neither the only way nor the most significant effort by Our Leaders to weaken our security; there's those minor matters of Iraq and Afghanistan. In the case of the former, it's resulted in giving Iran a pass so we can, you know, pass the problem off to Iran.

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