Sunday, September 23, 2007

Incredible Imbecilism of the Day

The mendacity of our leaders is, well, dizzying. David Souter obviously had the savvy and ability to make his way up the food chain to reach the point of being appointed to the U.S Supreme Court and we're supposed believe this crap?
Toobin had to admit he wasn't aware of any secrets of that kind, but did confide that "Justice Souter was so upset about the result in Bush v. Gore that not only did he almost resign the Court because he was so upset, but there were times when he thought about the case and he wept." [Link]
Or maybe it's, just, you know, a realization of guilt for being anything of a party to this. Then again, maybe he's just unable to recognize scumbags when they're wearing black robes.... (To his credit, Souter was one of the dissenters.)

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