Sunday, December 03, 2006

Tripping Down Memory Lane

You'll have to Google or Wiki this for yourself, the background to this but stilll, you can take this on a reality-based faith....

Philip Agee, ex-CIA, deep in the 70s, wrote a vehemently anti-CIA book.

Sometime thereafter, the CIA station chief in Athens was killed.

The Establishment bagmen blamed Agee for identifying Welch, the station chief, in his book.

Except he hadn't.

Flash forward to a couple of days ago and let's see how patriots handle the issue of identifying covert operatives:
Today the Wall Street Journal offers conflicting accounts of whether Reyes was present at a now notorious Paris meeting between Weldon and Manucher Ghorbanifar, the Zelig of American foreign policy scandals:

"In an interview Friday, William Murray, who was the CIA's station chief in Paris at the time, said...."

The Wall Street Journal....

Of course, outing covert operatives is only wrong when the other side does. For one, we're still waiting for the WSJ and the rest of the patriots to complain about a risk to national security by the Plame outing.

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