Thursday, November 09, 2006

Whiny Idiot

Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit: The Democrats now have a chance to govern....

With a president who repeatedly states that he will not enforce laws passed by a Republican-controlled Congress, he's really going to enforce any laws passed by a Dem Congress??

Really, I really, really don't quite understand how people can repeatedly lie like this, knowing that they are completely full of crap....

And here's more idiocy, from Our Leader, unsurprisingly:
George W. Bush is getting a lot of credit this morning from talking heads who say that he's ready to work across the aisle with the newly empowered Democrats.

As. If.

The next two years is going to be all about setting up the GOP for 2008 by making their hostility for and hatred of America and Americans clear by refusing to go along with simple Dem policies such as a modest increase in the minimum wage and maybe even some fixing of Medicare D (The Big Pharma profit-enhancement program).

Watch. Wait.

Whatever happens, it'll all be a set-up.... All "rope-a-dope"....

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