Sunday, December 16, 2007

Why Is This Man Giggling Like A Complete Idiot?

Besides trying to show contempt for being asked about bad behavior?

Wishful thinking...? TPM:
I have been watching Meet The Press since, I don't know, Estes Kefauver days and, I'm sad to say, Rudy Giuliani provided the worst performance I've ever seen by a major Presidential candidate.

Okay, I am not sad to say. I am delighted. I believe that, although I have my clear preference, none of the major candidates from either party would be a disastrous President except for Giuliani. Yes, some would be awful. Any of the Republicans would extend our long national nightmare.

But, in my opinion, Rudy is in a whole other category. Surrounded by crazy people like Podhoretz and Pipes, a Giuliani Presidency would guarantee one, two, three many Iraqs and jeopardize this country's survival.

So I was delighted to see his halting, nervous, scared, inarticulate performance on MTP yesterday.

And he had every reason to be scared.

Russert prosecuted the famed prosecutor, enumerating one Giuliani scandal after another. All Rudy could do was giggle. He reminded me of that ancient clip in which Bobby Kennedy grilled some miscreant at a Senate hearing and the bad guy laughed at every question. Bobby finally said: "Are you going to tell us anything or just giggle? I thought only little girls giggled?." Sexist, yes (it was 1959).

But it destroyed the giggly witness.

That was Rudy yesterday. All giggles and deer-in-the-headlights terror.

And with good reason. There are no good (or any) answers to the questions Russert posed about "Driving Miss Judy," Giuliani and Associates' client list, Bernard Kerik, etc etc.

And Russert didn't even ask about the priest-rapist on Rudy's staff.

Great television. Bye bye, Rudy.

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