Thursday, June 07, 2007

Reason for Hope for Success in Iraq

Not this:
Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute, picked by President Bush as his White House war adviser, said Wednesday he had been skeptical of Bush's decision to send thousands more U.S. troops into Iraq.

The government shows no will -- well, I'm sure the Iraqi pols' concerns are more making out well for their respective backers than peace and stability for the nation (as it were) as a whole (ditto). And seeing foreigners policing them is one big plus for the Iraqis (or "the occupied") -- not.

But Our Beloved Leader, dumb and ignorant, with some sort od demented hard-on for Saddam, has always followed his nutjob "advisors" rather than let facts and reality sway him. And he has neither the balls nor the intelligence (no pun intended) to change policy now.

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