Wednesday, April 25, 2007

They Hate Us, They Really Hate Us: Democracy and Free Elections in Our Leaders' America

If they are destroying democracy in America, how can they do any better in Iraq? (Of course, the Iraqis don't want what Our Leaders claim as their goal for success -- but Harry Reid is the traitor.)

Here's Our Leaders' love for democracy and free elections as home:
The State of Ohio's real-time, streaming election results are first diverted through Chattanooga, TN, to a GOP-only web firm and the servers currently hosting, as well as other key Republican web sites.


SOS Blackwell also neglected to inform that he outsourced Election Night hosting services to the provider of Internet operations for the Republican National Committee, SMARTech Corp. It's clear that most of the IP address space allocated to Smartechcorp, if it has a domain name, is operated by the RNC or its functionaries and allies.

Is there significance to the fact that, on Tuesday night, will correspond to the IP address that lies between Karl Rove's and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)? Just one arrangement of odd bedfellows in that example click the link to IP Block for other familiar examples such as Becki Donatelli-client,, or Ken Mehlman's They're all hot items right now with each aimed capture the reader's vote.

Attempting to surf to will redirect the visitor to Following Election Results links leads to (not the Election Night Dashboard at time of writing). On Tuesday, Nov. 7, databases of name servers should be refreshed to enable websurfers to clicking '' to arrive at

[UPDATE - They might have *fixed* the website, but don't worry guys, Google has a copy - Ken, it's harder to make stuff disappear on the internets, not as easy as disappearing $10,000 Diebold lobbyist checks...]

Ken Blackwell outsourced the design of the Election Night Project to Mike Connell who is a GOP operative and the principal of New Media Communications and GovTech Solutions. Their association may go back as far as the George H. W. Bush era. Connell's long-established association in the online political, campaign and fundraising arenas, in addition to his technological expertise, made him a shoe-in for government and non-government services where pay-to-play is the standard.
(The short version is here.)

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