Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Our Leader's Perspective

No principle, just just partisan dishonesty:
As the president spent Easter weekend in Crawford, the White House Communications Office noted that 61 days -- now it's 63 -- have passed since he first gave Congress his "emergency" supplemental spending request for the war in Iraq.

Never mind, for a moment, the fact that 119 days passed between the time George W. Bush submitted and Bush signed the 2006 emergency supplemental -- and never mind, for a moment, that Republicans were in control of Congress then.

Here are some other numerical measures worth considering. Ten more U.S. troops were killed in Iraq over the weekend. The U.S. death toll in Iraq so far this month stands at 35; if the current pace of killings continues, April 2007 will be the deadliest month in Iraq for U.S. troops since November 2004. And the total U.S. death toll in Iraq to date: 3,282.

Outside an Easter service at Ford Hood, Texas, Sunday, the president said he prays for peace.

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