Saturday, March 24, 2007

More Reasons Why We Love Our Next Leader, Rudy!

He loves leaky nuclear reactor, Indian Point, In Buchanan, N.Y. -- because he's paid to. That's principle!

He falsely asserted:
"Our view is that Indian Point is as safe as a facility can be, and a pretty good model, if not an excellent model, for not only other nuclear power plants but other industries that in many ways are just as sensitive [to security threats]," Giuliani boasted of the plant.

Giuliani Partners was hired by Entergy Nuclear Northeast to help its bid to relicense the plant, where federal approvals extend only through 2013. At a press conference yesterday, Giuliani insisted the reactors make up "one of the safest plants" in the country.

He has also... altered his position on abortion, finessing it all the way from kind of tolerant of it to completely against it. Or whatever his position is. Like the other front-runner, straight-talking flip-flopper John McCain, he changes his view to whatever's expedient -- That's principle!

In 1989, when Rudolph Giuliani first ran for Mayor of New York City, he said that he thought Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision finding a constitutional right to abortion, should be overturned. Although he backed off of that position during the campaign, he lost the election.

In 1992, before the next mayoral election, the Supreme Court re-affirmed the validity of Roe's basic recognition of a right to abortion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. The next year, Giuliani ran as a clearly pro-choice candidate, and won two terms. As mayor, Giuliani committed city resources to protecting women's reproductive choices.

Click here to find out more!

Now that Giuliani is exploring a run for the Republican Presidential nomination, he must appeal to his party's base, which skews pro-life. And so, cynics may be excused for wondering whether it was more than a coincidence that, last week, Giuliani declared himself a "strict constructionist" who, if elected President, would nominate judges who "interpret, not invent, the Constitution." As John Kerry might say, Giuliani was against abortion rights before he was for them, and then he was for them before he was against them again.


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