Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Just Another Big Media Dishonest, Dissembling, Crock-a-Crap

Republicans See Edge
From Early Voting

October 31, 2006; Page A4

WASHINGTON -- Down in the polls and with their majorities in Congress at risk, Republicans say they have some good news in early-voting statistics that suggest their voter-turnout machine is providing an edge in some tight races.

What's missing from this prominently placed article in the Wall Street Journal ($ sub. reqd.) is this: All the edge is is that apparently most or at least many of those to whom the GOP ops send absentee ballots have allegedly submitted them, in a greater percentage than the Dems. From this, one hopes, the assumption is that these were votes for the enablers of the destruction of our American democracy (that, as opposed to actually counting te votes).

In other words, there is nor clue whatsoever how any of these people voted.

In even fewer words: a prominently played non-story. Til the votes are counted.

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