Friday, October 13, 2006


One may get a certain idea from this blogs that I fall in a certain area of the political spectrum. And one would be approximately correct.

However, there's a few areas in which I take complete exception with my comrades.

And that's baselessly imputing to Our Leader any true leadership as opposed to being a front for the policies of others. W is a true Bush; he's in this because that's how the Bushes get rich: using and leveraging electoral office and politics for wealth from the private sector. I assure you, W does not lead in any significant way other than as a frontman.

Anyway, this is one lefty piece that imputes to him leadership that I have no doubt whatsoever he doesn't exert. He ain't no leader, he's a faker. And we waste energy acting as if he is anything more than, pardon the expresiion, a shrill shill.

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