Sunday, October 15, 2006

Checking in with Jeanine Pirro

The story thus far: Westchester County's ex-D.A... signed off on joint tax returns that took a deduction for the family car J used for work -- except it was the thieving, lying husband's company's car, that is, the D.A. not only took a benefit or perk from a private company, but she signed off on the tax return claiming a deduction. Very astute. Managed to find the time to get into "People" as one of the 50 most beautiful people.... Just about the only lawyer in Westchester who didn't know what an absolute total lying sack of crap scumbag her husband was... (well we've already seen how much attention she paid to his business).

Big claim to fame was a focus on trying to jail every sexual pervert, or at least predator, in the county and

Holy crap, will you look at this???
In Sex Arrests Hailed by Pirro, Little Jail Time
Looks like Jeanine didn't do quite as wonderful job as she'd want us to believe.

Personally, I have an issue that a sex crime can result in a de facto lifetime sentence but on the other hand, if a predator is convicted, jailtime is, well, a good thing, the more the better. In Republican pol fashion, Jeanine found and finds it easier to talk a policy than to, you know, actually do something to, like, implement a policy.

And let us not forget the brilliance of consulting Giuliani buttboy and all around inexperienced "investigator", corrupt petty thief Ray Kerik, for bugging hubby's boat.

Speaking of the scumbag sack of crap, even husband Al Pirro is against Jeanine!

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