Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Following Quoted Material Is Absolutely For Real


It only reads like a joke but the guy is just another GOP goose-stepper.
My conspiracy theory for the 2008 primary is that porn, the most effective wmd, makes the world war go round and is the central justice obstructor that is inhibiting solutions to the above issues. In my view, the best way to cut taxes is to address the social issues that tax us 1/2 to death and that inspire our enemies who don't want their daughters treated worse than Michael Vick's dogs. If I have to hear one more young single mother in my family law practice tell me that she gets treated worse than a dog, I'm going to consider running a campaign that is not intentionally devised to lose so that I can enjoy my summer.

For example:

1. Health Care - 80% of women are slated to acquire the human papilloma virus by the age of 50. The increased demand on health care for std's could be better used for natural illnesses and only raises prices and taxes since many of the hpv-infected are on government health programs.

2. Jobs - Workers' productivity is decreased when they surf Internet porn instead of producing. Accordingly, business are less profitable, have to lay off workers and taxes are raised to pay for unemployment and to replace the lost taxes from what would have otherwise been a more profitable taxable income.

3. Immigration - The porn capitalists are doing their all to prove the case of the ante-bellum racists and the Jim Crow bigots by making the case that whites and blacks can not control themselves in each other's company. If it is possible for noires to obtain 400 criminal years of familial revenge in just 40, the porn capitalists are giving it the new college try. Accordingly, as the above two groups sexually self-genocide themselves, the currently more meek Latinos are inheriting the land - and they should under current conditions.

4. Iraq - In 2004, I suggested we begin a gradual withdraw from Iraq starting in the north and keep the pace depending on the situation on the ground. Since then, we have done next to nothing to address the great porn dragon; therefore, just as slave raping extended the Civil War, so too will tolerating Internet porn, extend the Iraq war. You may disagree, but I'd like to see anyone disprove this point in a public debate. Shall we continue to start wars to spread our form of democracy? Benjamin Franklin stated that we have a "Republic, if you can keep it." After tyranny, democracy, where the lessons of history are ignored and where every person is a law unto themselves and has the right to tax others at will for their selfish behavior, may be the next worst form of government. As a child, I pledged allegiance to a disciplined Republic that stood for something, not a democracy that will fall for anything.

5. Internet Porn - When Clinton took office in 1993, the Republicans had every major porn distributor under investigation or indictment. Clinton fired every federal obscenity prosecutor except for one, and by 2001, the U.S. Customs officials estimated that the Internet contained approximately 100,000 Web sites linked to child porn.

Al Qaeda has no greater ally than having a Clinton in the White House as a running mate to the Arrogance of anti-family (pro-gay special rights), anti-life (pro-partial birth abortion on demand) Hype Obama-Nation or a Republican non-leadership that kicks their best candidates off the ballot instead of debating the issues publicly.

What goes around, sometimes comes around, and sometimes a Zulu massacre comes right back in a dot com a few generations later to taunt a people in a new, more efficient destroying form of the same song, different dance hate speech. If addiction prone blanches can't get their act together, then all of us who have a shred of justice in our spine may one day have to debate the idea of giving them what their ancestors gave to the natives, the author or whom is still honored with placement on the $20 bill, and consider for a second, before being publicly scorn-burned to a 33rd degree crisp, the merits of exiling them to a 44 state reservation and consider slavery reparations where the 12%, 6 state FL, GA, SC, MS, AL, & LA South shall rise again under the transformed Bible-to-Gospel belt.

The GPD (Great Porn-Dragon) is seeking so set up this country as a Broke-Barack mountain of gay pride Obama-Nation where a nation that was conceived in liberty now conceives in illigitimacy at 40% in Indiana, where a nation that grew as a Christian lamb is now phoenix-izing itself to speak as a porn dragon. The GPD desires for all men to go the way of the dog. The GPD increases his success as he systematically genocides out the feminine bodies of our tribes. Once all we have left are the Rosies and Norbett's, its mission will be near complete.

6. Anti-Semitism - The great porn dragon hates the two Edenic institutions that were intended to uplift and brings happiness to society - marriage and the Sabbath. By inspiring Sabbath keepers to promote porn, and then like a snake, turning upon them, the dragon most effectively accomplishes his mission. Without a rest, the porn dragon oppresses our society with constant work making bricks without straw, and a man's comfort from his toils is robbed by Chinese rabbits who can put even the most virile porn mule to shame in seconds.
Link (emphases added).

And he is no Old Testament guy:
Indiana has one of the most protective statutes in the nation that protects medical providers from lawsuits. We adopted comparative fault in 1985 and former Governer "Doc" Bowen wrote the medical malpractice act which started out making doctors only liable for about $100,000 in damages. The limits are higher now, but there are limits. Additionally, no one can sue a medical provider in Indiana until he/she submits to a medical review panel of three providers who will more than likely determine that no negligence existed. This is a good law and provides most of the needed protections to keep medical costs low.

This, I'm somewhat sorry to say, is something I know about. Just imagine, for example: a spouse lost because of a bad diagnosis. That is, a failure to make a life-saving diagnosis. And let's say there's kids and the deceased was contributing to the household financially and otherwise. Damages should be capped to a pittance? And an opportunity to have the issue decided by a jury (as called for by the Constitution (yeah, yeah, the GOP is against it except for the second amendment)) blocked by a rigged, industry-protecting panel? That's corporatism at the least; that is, fascism.

By "an eye for an eye", the Bible means the wrongdoer must make good; this asshole and the rest of the GOP thinks the wrongdoer deserves a pass.

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