Friday, April 27, 2007

Reminder for Rudy, Master of Flip-Flop

So excuse me for asking an impolite question Mr Mayor. Didn't 9/11 happen on YOUR WATCH?

Didn't 9/11 happen on YOUR PARTY's watch?

Didn't 9/11 happen on the watch of the so-called President and so-called Vice-President, whose seizure of power nine months earlier YOU endorsed?

Here's the inescapable conclusion Mr Mayor. YOU and YOUR PARTY - which happened to be in power at the time - were responsible for the safety of our beloved city. You were on the ramparts. And you FAILED TO STOP THE ENEMY..


A twisted shard of deadly logic from that terrible morning has been carefully nurtured into historical fact: those who let 9/11 happen are the best people around to stop it happening again.


Here's the actual historical fact: you had at your disposal all the resources of the nation, all the intelligence, weaponry, manpower of the government of YOUR PARTY. And as we now know the leaders of YOUR PARTY - which certainly should have included the Mayor of New York City -and the government run by YOUR PARTY, knew full well that an attack was coming, an imminent attack on some American target, almost certainly in a major city, an attack it was your duty to have all possible knowledge of and take every possible step to prevent.

But you and your fellow leaders did NOTHING. The attacks were allowed to happen. In OUR city. The city you took an oath to PROTECT. I don't give a damn how fine and resolute you were on camera, once the carnage was under way. What were you doing in the days and weeks and months before that? Especially given that in the arena of foreign affairs, we now had a violently confrontational administration? Especially given that the WTC had already been attacked by terrorists and they'd vowed to try again. Even taking the most understanding approach that you were distracted by other matters or no-one could be sure which city would be attacked, your failure was still incalculably CATASTROPHIC.

So the question remains:

How in GOD'S NAME are you, of all people, qualified to protect us against further attacks?

How in GOD'S NAME is ANYONE who stands with the cowering blowhards in the White House qualified to protect us from further attacks?

Why in GOD'S NAME would we trust ANY MEMBER of the party whose leaders allowed this to happen, to prevent it happening again?

You let it happen once. Why wouldn't you let it happen twice?

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